An inspiration I had for doing this project was the scene in Jane Eyre where Mr. Rochester disguises himself as a “gipsy” and reads the fortunes of the young, single women present in the house. One method described for this was palm reading and I wanted to research it more and apply it to the… Read more Jane Eyre Palm Reading
Author: bmb1502
Frankenstein Tarot Card Connections
Captain Walton The Fool (Upright) “To see the The Fool generally means a beginning of a new journey, one where you will be filled with optimism and freedom from the usual constraints in life. When we meet him, he approaches each day as an adventure, in an almost childish way. He believes that anything can… Read more Frankenstein Tarot Card Connections
Garden to Garden
Similarities Knowledge and the Sun “And higher then that Wall a circling row Of goodliest Trees loaden with fairest Fruit, Blossoms and Fruits at once of golden hue Appeerd, with gay enameld colours mixt: On which the Sun more glad impress’d his beams (Book 4, lines 146-150).” ——— “The brain a garden seems, full of delight, Whereon the sun of knowledge shineth bright (lines 1-2).” Both Milton and Cavendish touch… Read more Garden to Garden
Faerie Queene but Make it Pokémon For my second project, I decided to combine Pokémon and the Faerie Queene. The healing well in Canto 11 with its purifying waters instantly reminded me of the Pokémon Suicune, who has the ability to purify bodies of water. I couldn’t stop thinking about Pokémon after that (I’m honestly always thinking about Pokémon though)… Read more Faerie Queene but Make it Pokémon
Lanval Text Quest For my first project of the semester, I knew I wanted to do something with Marie de France. I say that but it’s sort of a lie. I did consider doing a text quest with Beowulf at first because, as an epic, it just has more action and grand adventure in it by nature… Read more Lanval Text Quest