The term “masculinity” is one that has seemed to control many lives of men in the world, without there being any realistic expectation of a man being masculine. Men strive to acquire, or at least appear to have, this vague yet strict protocol of becoming masculine. Even at a young age kids are taught by… Read more Too Much Masculinity Today (Project 1) (Attempt 2)
Tag: beowulf
Heorot Project
For my project, I’ve created Heorot from Beowulf in Minecraft, and I’ve written a bit about hospitality in Beowulf to go along with it, as follows: Hospitality, as we see it in Beowulf, seems to largely involve parties. Naturally, there’s a reason for this. Hrothgar, the king, gives wealth to his subjects and honor to… Read more Heorot Project
Project 1: Beowulf-Grendel, Eve and Garden of Eden
Jordan Smith Grendel from Beowulf is alleged to have a direct bloodline to Cain, whose bloodline is eternally punished by God for the murder of Cain’s brother, Abel. In the bible, it is stated that “Adam made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, ‘with the… Read more Project 1: Beowulf-Grendel, Eve and Garden of Eden
Beowulf and Grendel… in Dungeons and Dragons!
For my project, I decided to do something similar to what a few others have done and connect our curriculum to the game Dungeons and Dragons. What I ended up doing was making both Beowulf and Grendel from Beowulf character sheets. I assigned them each a class and a race based on my knowledge of… Read more Beowulf and Grendel… in Dungeons and Dragons!
Too Much Masculinity Today (Project 1)
The term “masculinity” is one that has seemed to control many lives of men in the world, without there being any realistic expectation of a man being masculine. Men strive to acquire, or at least appear to have, this vague yet strict protocol of becoming masculine. Even at a young age kids are taught by… Read more Too Much Masculinity Today (Project 1)
Speaking of grudges: out there in the dark, one waited. He listened, holding himself hard to home, but he’d been lonely too long, brotherless, sludge-stranded. Now he heard and endured the din of drinkers. Their poetry poisoned his peace. Every night, turmoil: raucous laughter from Heorot, howling of harps, squawking of scops. Headley, Maria Dahvana.… Read more Grendel
Loneliness in The Wife’s Lament, The Wanderer, & Beowulf
There are a few obvious themes that are represented in the poems The Wife’s Lament and The Wanderer by Aaron K. Hostetter. The first theme that I noticed was the theme of isolation/loneliness. Isolation is one of the fundamental themes of literature. It’s a state of loneliness in which you can feel cut off and… Read more Loneliness in The Wife’s Lament, The Wanderer, & Beowulf
Beowulf: Life Coach
For my unessay, I imagined a world in which Beowulf took to the internet to impart his wisdom on unsuspecting masses, as a life coach. What better way to draw vulnerable populations to him! To advertise himself and attempt to gather new clientele, I designed the beginnings of Beowulf’s Life Coach website. After viewing around… Read more Beowulf: Life Coach
Project 1: Ecological Criticism and Beowulf
Luke Harding Helms Rethinking Medieval Literature September 30, 2021 Beowulf and the Ecosystem Ecological criticisms range in their application and practice within literature. They include analyses in individual close readings of a text’s representation of human and environmental relationships as well as overall studies into the interpretation and expression of the natural world across texts… Read more Project 1: Ecological Criticism and Beowulf
Medieval Ladies Tarot Cards
For my unessay I took some of the women characters from the texts we read, and created tarot cards for them. While I am not really a believer in tarot, or truly know how to read cards, I have always been fascinated by the art styles and meanings given to each card. My original plan… Read more Medieval Ladies Tarot Cards