For my final project, I’ve decided to create Pandemonium, the city of demons, from Milton’s Paradise Lost, in Minecraft. I’ve also written a piece about how I see Pandemonium as an inverse of Heaven, which you can find here: Now, this build hasn’t been easy, and I’ve had to take a few creative liberties.… Read more Final Project – Pandemonium Minecraft Build
Tag: Paradise Lost
Since the Beginning…
Jocks, popular, orch-dorks, nerds, band geeks, etc. are all stereotypical groups to which we associate with high school and stereotypical high school movies. The apparent necessity to create this social hierarchy dominates the world we live in and the world we know, starting at a young age. This hierarchy I speak of can even be… Read more Since the Beginning…
Garden to Garden
Similarities Knowledge and the Sun “And higher then that Wall a circling row Of goodliest Trees loaden with fairest Fruit, Blossoms and Fruits at once of golden hue Appeerd, with gay enameld colours mixt: On which the Sun more glad impress’d his beams (Book 4, lines 146-150).” ——— “The brain a garden seems, full of delight, Whereon the sun of knowledge shineth bright (lines 1-2).” Both Milton and Cavendish touch… Read more Garden to Garden
Accidentally a Demon
The content of the below post may be disturbing to some. It involves gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, dissociative identity disorder, body horror, gore, and contemplations of suicide/death. Please only continue if these topics will not prove too upsetting to you personally; only you can make this judgement for yourself. Consider yourself forewarned. In all honesty,… Read more Accidentally a Demon
Third Project For our Third Project, I decided to do a Kahoot like I did for the last project we had. This time around, I decided to do the Kahoot on another text we focused on in class this semester, Paradise Lost, by John Milton. Just like the last one, there are 20 questions, which are… Read more Third Project
Tasting Knowledge
Written by Lucian Paradise – HELLoFRESH Chef and Foodie So you’ve recently come across some wonderful fruits in Eden, a serpent has approached you, and is making some excellent points as to why you may wish to eat them. After all, what could it hurt to have just a little bit of knowledge? I mean,… Read more Tasting Knowledge