Official PSU ADA Statement
Plymouth State University is committed to providing students with documented disabilities equal access to all university programs and facilities. If you think you
have a disability requiring accommodations, you should contact Campus Accessibility Services (CAS), located in Speare 210 (535-3300) to determine whether you are eligible for such accommodations. Academic accommodations will only be considered for students who have registered with CAS. If you have a Letter of Accommodation for this course from CAS, please provide the instructor with that information privately so that you and the instructor can review those accommodations.
Universal Design for Learning
While the PSU ADA Statement covers diagnosed and documented disabilities, it does not cover everyone’s unique situation. My stance on disabilities is more flexible than that required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. What follows is my course policy on disability and access.
I believe it’s the responsibility of teachers to make sure that courses are Universal in Design, open and accessible to all regardless of whether or not they have ADA-acknowledged, documented disabilities. If you have (or develop) a disability that needs accommodations, feel free to let me know what adjustments you’d like me to make to the course. You are not obligated to share any private medical information with me, nor are you obligated to provide any documentation. Just let me know what you need and we’ll sort things out.