For our Third Project, I decided to do a Kahoot like I did for the last project we had. This time around, I decided to do the Kahoot on another text we focused on in class this semester, Paradise Lost, by John Milton. Just like the last one, there are 20 questions, which are… Read more Third Project
Author: jw1189
Kahoot! b7-a367-281e19ed006f For my Second Project in this class, I chose to make a Kahoot for my classmates to play. Kahoot is a fun trivia game that I have used for a handful of projects, and have participated in during different classes multiple times before. It is a great tool that I was introduced to… Read more Kahoot!
Beowulf Found Poem
“When war assaults praise-worthy actions must honor his comrades, himself wielded, and the well loved land-prince Long did rule them. With weapons of warfare, weeds for the battle, Many a jewel with him must travel And favors no fewer they furnished Lone on the main, a gold-fashioned standard sad was their spirit, Their mood very… Read more Beowulf Found Poem