Care and Campus Resources

Each semester, thousands upon thousands of college students and faculty/staff across the country experience unhealthy stress at some point. Some of you experience it more often—and may be affected more severely—than others. Some may experience academic stress, while others may experience hazing, harassment, or discrimination. Still, some of you may struggle with mental illness and may face a number of emotional, cognitive, and physical challenges as you navigate the semester. Others may not know where you’ll get your next meal or where you’ll sleep tonight or next week.

If you experience any of these issues, it’s important that you seek help if you feel you need it.

Every year, suicide is among the leading causes of death among college students, so it’s critical that you know that you are not alone and that confidential help is always available at PSU.

For an on-campus emergency (needing immediate assistance) you may call University Police at 603-481-1509 (University Police Duty Phone).

For an off-campus emergency dial 911. If you are in emotional crisis and are in the Plymouth, NH area, you may call Lakes Region Mental Health Center at 603-524-1100, dial 911, or go to Speare Memorial Hospital’s Emergency Room

If you find yourself stressed, struggling with unhealthy thoughts or behaviors, experiencing hazing/harassment, and/or battling mental illness—or if you just want someone to listen—please know that there are people here to help and who will keep your information private via HIPAA guidelines.

On Campus Resources

Campus Accessibility Services, who may be able to help those with physical and/or mental disabilities. Students who need accommodations regarding face covering requirements should contact the Accessibility Services Office.(603-535-3300)

Counseling Center. Due to challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Counseling Center is not able to conduct face-to-face counseling at this time. The Counseling Center is providing Telebehavioral Health counseling by phone and video conferencing. The Counseling Center will also continue to provide students with phone call consultations. This will include, as appropriate, assistance in identifying resources for students’ immediate and more urgent needs, on an individual basis. (603-535-2461)

Frost House Student Services provides a variety of services that support students. These include the C.A.R.E. program, student rights and responsibilities related to student conduct, information for parents and families, and references/verifications. (603-535-2206)

Registrar’s Office Support for Preferred Names: Students have a right to be addressed in a manner that feels consistent with their identity. Especially for trans students, being able to adopt a preferred name at the university can make a significant difference in mental health and the ability to feel comfortable at PSU. Plymouth State supports students in adopting their preferred names.

When a student wants a preferred name set in the system they need to contact the Registrar’s Office at The Registrar can put a preferred name in Banner. Once that preferred name is set on the student’s record in Banner, many systems will update automatically update to reflect the new preferred name. For those systems that don’t (ex. Moodle), the student should reach out to ITS in order to get their name updated in that system manually. ITS should be contacted after the preferred name is switched at the Registrar. Bear in mind, the student’s myPlymouth username and email alias will not update to reflect the preferred name UNLESS their name is legally changed and the Registrar updates the student’s legal name in Banner.

Residential Life has temporary emergency housing for students experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity at no charge, if/ when there are housing spaces available. For more extended situations of homelessness, Residential Life is available to work with students on filling out a housing application, and working with financial aid.

Student Health Services, located at 12 Merrill Street (Mary Taylor House), across from Hyde Hall and next to Merrill Place Residence Hall. Students are advised to call for an appointment. (603) 535-2350

Student Support Foundation provides short-term emergency financial assistance and food resources for PSU students. To make a private appointment, contact the SSF advisor at Due to the current COVID-19 situation, the food pantry does not have weekly open hours, however they are still here to support you! Students who need help purchasing/acquiring face coverings in order to meet PSU requirements should also contact the SSF. Emergency financial assistance is also available to help students deal with Covid19-related expenses.

Voices Against Violence Voices Against Violence is a crisis services agency located in Plymouth, NH. They provide information and support to victims and survivors, their family and friends, community members, and professionals around domestic violence, children who witness domestic violence, sexual violence and harassment, stalking, human trafficking and bullying. Their 24-hour Crisis line is: (1-877-221-6176)

Off Campus Resources

If you are in emotional crisis and ARE NOT in the Plymouth, NH area you may go to your local emergency room, call your local community mental health center, or call the following:

National Suicide Prevention Hotline (1-800-273-TALK/8255) and/or via text (texting HOME to 741741)

SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Hotline (1-800-985-5990) and/or via text (texting TalkWithUs to 66746).

Trans Lifeline Transgender Crisis Hotline: 1-877-656-8860

The Trevor Project LGBTQ+ Hotline: 1-866-488-7386

Veterans Help Line: 1-800-838-2838

Please know that I am always willing to make a referral for you if you do not feel comfortable doing so yourself.

What did I miss?

If there’s help you need that doesn’t seem to fit any of these categories, let me know and we’ll figure it out. Sometimes what we need doesn’t fall neatly into a category or subheading.