
For my unessay, I chose to do a retelling of Bisclavret following the form of Judith Shoaf’s translation (the version we read for class). I have the same rhyming couplets, and I tried to keep the language and general tone as similar as possible to her translation. I wanted to explore the relationship between Bisclavret… Read more BI-sclavret

To Define and Seek Out Truth: Beowulf and Marie de France Poetry

In order to avoid the controversial “the fish is this big” in fictional epic poems and stories like Beowulf and Marie de France’s Bisclavret and Chevrefoil truth must be established at the start and throughout the piece. In Chevrefoil, in the first and third line it says, “it’s my pleasure and I want truly…the truth… Read more To Define and Seek Out Truth: Beowulf and Marie de France Poetry

Witch or Woman?

A collection of photos, depicting women in 16th century literature. Women in medieval literature were typically one dimensional characters. They weren’t the hero or anything other than a trouble maker. They were depicted as pure and good or promiscuous and evil. They were one thing or the other. The lighting in this image shows only… Read more Witch or Woman?

Welcome to the Third Project!

Posts for the Third Project will go here. You’re welcome to start working on a Draft for this category (“Third Project”) at any time. Please wait to publish your post until you’d like feedback from me and from others in our class. (Published posts can of course still be edited!)

Welcome to the Second Project!

Posts for the Second Project will go here. You’re welcome to start working on a Draft for this category (“Second Project”) at any time. Please wait to publish your post until you’d like feedback from me and from others in our class. (Published posts can of course still be edited!)

Welcome to the First Project!

Posts for the First Project will go here. You’re welcome to start working on a Draft for this category (“First Project”) at any time. Please wait to publish your post until you’d like feedback from me and from others in our class. (Published posts can of course still be edited!)