Antoinette Cosway is a remarkable character in both Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea. She doesn’t have a lot of time in the book Jane Eyre, but the role she plays is super important–it’s actually why Jean Rhys decided to give her a little bit of backstory. She played such a great role but no… Read more Project 2
Tag: Wide Sargasso Sea
Manipulation in Romance
Justin Levesque 4/28/2022 British literature Manipulation of Romance In British literature, there are many different types of relationships that we read about. This could be humans and monsters, family, and even relationships between enemies. Most of these texts also have romantic relationships that get heavily focused on. When they are seen or read, they… Read more Manipulation in Romance
Nature in Wide Sargasso Sea
Wide Sargasso Sea is a novel that explores the origin of Jane Eyre’s Bertha Mason. The novel begins with Bertha, (formerly Antionette)’s childhood, and continues to her death in fire. The book shows her relationships with family, servants, and husband, Rochester. The book moves through several distinct settings, including the Coulibri Estate of Antionette’s youth,… Read more Nature in Wide Sargasso Sea
Never be afraid. Or if you are tell no one.
I made some poems based on Wide Sargasso Sea because poems are my default when shit seems too overwhelming. Turns out, at least one was about rape, but that doesn’t mean that my trauma needs to be front-and-center here, so let’s just set into it and then grant y’all with my reflection so we can… Read more Never be afraid. Or if you are tell no one.
Horror and Tragedy: The Domino Effect
Wide Sargasso Sea is a story of hardship and tragedy. Some aspects of the text, important to cover, include mental disabilities among family members and the impact that they had in the Victorian era. It wasn’t a matter of getting help, but rather a matter of avoiding the problems, where the real problem comes into… Read more Horror and Tragedy: The Domino Effect
Ecofeminism as the Roots of Patriarchal Insecurity in Wide Sargasso Sea
Jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea is a post-colonial story taking place in Jamaica after the emancipation of slaves. This text centers around Antionette, a white woman, who is the kin of former slave owners. She has a deep history to the island and, despite her abuse from angry former slaves, she feels a connection with… Read more Ecofeminism as the Roots of Patriarchal Insecurity in Wide Sargasso Sea
Birds of a Feather
One of the biggest things from Wide Sargasso Sea that stuck out for me was the image of a bird trying desperately to escape a fire and the image of a woman gleefully embracing the fire like an old lover. The cycle of a phoenix is a common trope in some fantasy novels. It lives… Read more Birds of a Feather